Some participants have made their talks available. Select the talk of interest from the list below:
Andris Ambainis -"Quantum walk algorithms: element distinctness and spatial search"
Gilles Brassard - "Qauntum Foundations in the light of Quantum Information
Matthias Christandl - "A generic security proof for quantum key distribution"
Richard Cleve - "Consequences and Limits of Nonlocal Strategies"
Julia Kempe - "Quantum symmetric group problems"
Iordanis Kerenidis - "Exponential Separation of Quantum and Classical One-Way Communication Complexity"
Hartmut Klauck - "Tradeoffs between Quantum Memory and Communication"
Greg Kuperberg - "A quantum algorithm for the dihedral hiden subgroup problem"
Debbie Leung - "Composability of Quantum Proocols - Applications to Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum Authentication"
Frédéric Magniez - "Quantum Algorithms for the Triangle Problem"
Serge Massar - "Information-Theoretic Approach to Non-Local Correlations"
Ueli Maurer - "On the Power of Quantum Memory"
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan - "The bounded round quantum communication complexity of set disjointness"
Ran Raz - "Multi-Linear Formulas for Determinant and Permanent are of Super-Polynomial Size"
Oded Regev - "GapSVPn and GapCVPn are in NP coNP"
Kiyoshi Tamaki - "Unconditional security of the Bennett 1992 quantum key-distribution protocol over noisy and lossy channels"
Andreas Winter - "From Entanglement to Secret Key and Back"