The Ninth Workshop on
Quantum Information Processing
Paris, January 16-20, 2006

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QIP 2006 Call for Communications

Submission deadline: 23:59 GMT, November 3, 2005

The Ninth Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2006) will be held in Paris, January 16 to 20, 2006. Contributions for long (30 minutes) and short (10 minutes) talks are sought in the the research areas related to quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum information theory.

Contributions can be submitted on new research or on results that were published after January 1, 2005. The submission should consist of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages, that must contain the title of the talk, the name and affiliation of the author who would present the talk, the names and affiliations of the co-authors, and a brief summary of the results to be presented. The extended abstract may contain an arbitrary length appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee. For example, for published results, the extended abstract could contain just the brief summary, whereas for unpublished work, this could be the description of the results. The appendix can consist of full papers.

By default, a submission will be considered for both long and short talks. It should be clearly indicated on the submission page if the contributor would like it to be considered only for long or only for short talks.

The program committee reserves the right to invite a contributed talk.

A person can submit several contributions. The members of the program committee cannot submit talks, but their collaborators can propose contributions on joint results.

The notification of acceptance for contributed talks is December 6, 2006.

Program Committee:

Charles Bennett IBM, Yorktown Heights
Gilles Brassard Université de Montréal
Harry Buhrman CWI, Amsterdam
Isaac Chuang MIT, Cambridge
Daniel Gottesman Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Julia Kempe CNRS LRI, Orsay
Frédéric Magniez CNRS LRI, Orsay
Keiji Matsumoto NII, Tokyo and JST, Tokyo
Michele Mosca University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Michael Nielsen University of Queensland, Brisbane
Miklos Santha (PC Chair) CNRS LRI, Orsay
Umesh Vazirani UC Berkeley
Andreas Winter University of Bristol