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Accepted Talks
Adam Bouland, Bill Fefferman, Soumik Ghosh, Tony Metger, Umesh Vazirani, Chenyi Zhang and Zixin Zhou.
Public-key pseudoentanglement and the hardness of learning ground state entanglement structure
Ágoston Kaposi, Zoltán Kolarovszki, Adrian Solymos and Zoltán Zimborás.
Generalised group designs: overcoming the 3-design-barrier and constructing novel 2-designs in arbitrary dimensions
Ainesh Bakshi, Allen Liu, Ankur Moitra and Ewin Tang.
Learning quantum Hamiltonians at any temperature in polynomial time
Alex Lombardi, Fermi Ma and John Wright.
A One-Query Lower Bound for Unitary Synthesis and Breaking Quantum Cryptography
Alex May, Rene Allerstorfer, Harry Buhrman, Florian Speelman and Philip Verduyn Lunel.
Relating non-local computation to information theoretic cryptography
Alicja Dutkiewicz, Thomas O'Brien and Thomas Schuster.
The advantage of quantum control in many-body Hamiltonian learning
Anand Natarajan and Chinmay Nirkhe.
A distribution testing oracle separating QMA and QCMA
Anand Natarajan and Tina Zhang.
Bounding the Quantum Value of Compiled Nonlocal Games: From CHSH to BQP Verification
Andreas Bluhm, Ángela Capel, Massimo Moscolari, Antonio Pérez Hernández, Stefan Teufel and Tom Wessel.
Towards a unification of different measures of correlations and locality in Gibbs states
Andris Ambainis and Aleksandrs Belovs.
An Exponential Separation Between Quantum Query Complexity and the Polynomial Degree
Anirudh Krishna, Inbal Livni Navon and Mary Wootters.
Viderman's algorithm for quantum LDPC codes
Anurag Anshu, Nikolas Breuckmann and Quynh Nguyen.
Circuit-to-Hamiltonian from tensor networks and fault tolerance
Arthur Rattew and Patrick Rebentrost.
Non-Linear Transformations of Quantum Amplitudes: Exponential Improvement, Generalization, and Applications
Ashley Montanaro and Changpeng Shao.
Quantum query complexity of functions of matrices
Ashley Montanaro, Changpeng Shao and Dominic Verdon.
Testing quantum satisfiability
Bartosz Regula and Ludovico Lami.
Reversibility of quantum resources through probabilistic protocols
Beatriz Cardoso Dias and Robert Koenig.
Classical simulation of non-Gaussian fermionic circuits
Bill Fefferman, Soumik Ghosh, Michael Gullans, Kohdai Kuroiwa and Kunal Sharma.
Effect of non–unital noise on random circuit sampling
Chao Yin and Andrew Lucas.
Heisenberg-limited metrology with perturbing interactions, and efficient sampling of short-time quantum evolution
Chenyi Zhang and Tongyang Li.
Quantum Lower Bounds for Finding Stationary Points of Nonconvex Functions
Chi-Fang Chen, Hsin-Yuan Huang, John Preskill and Leo Zhou.
Local minima in quantum systems
Chi-Fang Chen, Michael Kastoryano, Fernando Brandao and András Gilyén.
Quantum Thermal State Preparation
Christoph Hirche and Marco Tomamichel.
Quantum Renyi and f-divergences from integral representations
Christophe Piveteau, Christopher T. Chubb and Joseph M. Renes.
Tensor Network Decoding Beyond 2D
Chuhan Lu, Minglong Qin, Fang Song, Penghui Yao and Mingnan Zhao.
Quantum Pseudorandom Scramblers
Dakshita Khurana and Kabir Tomer.
Cryptography from Quantum One-Wayness
Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Alexander Hahn, Mattias Johnsson and Kazuya Yuasa.
Breaking badly: unexpected Trotter error scaling for realistic quantum systems
Daniel Litinski and Naomi Nickerson.
The active-volume architecture and elliptic-curve cryptography
David Aasen, Jeongwan Haah, Zhi Li and Roger Mong.
Measurement Quantum Cellular Automata and Anomalies in Floquet Codes
David Pérez-García, Andras Molnar, Alberto Ruiz-de-Alarcón, José Garre Rubio, Norbert Schuch and Ignacio Cirac.
Matrix product algebras and their application for phase classification
Dmitry Grinko, Adam Burchardt and Maris Ozols.
Gelfand-Tsetlin basis for partially transposed permutations, with applications to quantum information
Dominic Williamson and Nouédyn Baspin.
Layer Codes: Saturating the BPT Bound in 3D
Dong An, Jin-Peng Liu and Lin Lin.
Linear combination of Hamiltonian simulation for non-unitary dynamics with optimal state preparation cost
Dylan Harley, Ishaun Datta, Frederik Ravn Klausen, Andreas Bluhm, Daniel Stilck França, Albert Werner and Matthias Christandl.
Going Beyond Gadgets: The Importance of Scalability for Analogue Quantum Simulators
Elia Zanoni, Thomas Theurer, Kun Fang and Gilad Gour.
A new entanglement conversion distance for a complete characterization of entanglement embezzlement and closed-form expressions for entanglement distillation and dilution
Emilio Onorati, Cambyse Rouze, Daniel Stilck Franca and James Watson.
Efficient learning of ground & thermal states within phases of matter
Emilio Onorati, Cambyse Rouze, Daniel Stilck França and James Watson.
Provably Efficient Learning of Phases of Matter
Enrico Fontana, Dylan Herman, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Niraj Kumar, Romina Yalovetzky, Jamie Heredge, Shree Hari Sureshbabu and Marco Pistoia.
The Adjoint Is All You Need: Characterizing Barren Plateaus in Quantum Ansätze
Fernando Jeronimo and Pei Wu.
The Power of Unentangled Quantum Proofs with Non-negative Amplitudes
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Morimae, Ryo Nishimaki and Takashi Yamakawa.
Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Tamper-Resilient Public Keys from One-Way Functions
Giulio Malavolta, Michael Walter.
Robust Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Applications to Quantum Key Distribution
Gregory Rosenthal.
Efficient Quantum State Synthesis with One Query
Guang Hao Low and Yuan Su.
Quantum eigenvalue processing
Hamza Fawzi, Omar Fawzi and Samuel Scalet.
Certified algorithms for equilibrium states of quantum lattice systems
Harriet Apel, Toby Cubitt, Patrick Hayden, Tamara Kohler and David Pérez-García.
Security of position-based verification limits Hamiltonian simulation via holography
Hayata Yamasaki, Kohdai Kuroiwa, Patrick Hayden and Ludovico Lami.
Entanglement cost for infinite-dimensional physical systems
Howard Barnum, Cozmin Ududec and John van de Wetering.
Self-duality and Jordan structure of quantum theory follow from homogeneity and pure transitivity
Hsin-Yuan Huang, John Preskill and Mehdi Soleimanifar.
Certifying highly-entangled states from few single-qubit measurements
Hsin-Yuan Huang, Yunchao Liu, Michael Broughton, Isaac Kim, Anurag Anshu, Zeph Landau and Jarrod McClean.
Learning shallow quantum circuits
Ishaun Datta, Adam Bouland, Daniel Brod, Bill Fefferman, Daniel Grier, Felipe Hernandez and Michal Oszmaniec.
Complexity-theoretic foundations of BosonSampling with a linear number of modes
Jan Kochanowski, Alvaro Alhambra, Ángela Capel and Cambyse Rouze.
Spectral gap implies rapid mixing for commuting Hamiltonians
Jeongwan Haah, Robin Kothari, Ryan O'Donnell and Ewin Tang.
Query-optimal estimation of unitary channels in diamond distance
Jiani Fei, Sydney Timmerman and Patrick Hayden.
Quantum Algorithm for Reducing Induced Representations with Applications to Port-based Teleportation
Jiaqing Jiang.
Local Hamiltonian Problem with succinct ground state is MA-Complete
Jinmin Yi, Weicheng Ye, Daniel Gottesman and Zi-Wen Liu.
Complexity and order in approximate quantum error-correcting codes
Johannes Jakob Meyer, Sumeet Khatri, Daniel Stilck França, Jens Eisert and Philippe Faist.
Quantum metrology in the finite-sample regime
John Bostanci, Luowen Qian, Nicholas Spooner and Henry Yuen.
An efficient quantum parallel repetition theorem and applications
John Bostanci, Yuval Efron, Tony Metger, Alexander Poremba, Luowen Qian and Henry Yuen.
Unitary Complexity and the Uhlmann Transformation Problem
John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh and Nadezhda Voronova.
Exponential Quantum Streaming Advantage for Maximum Directed Cut
John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson, Yipu Wang and Justin Yirka.
Complexity Classification of Product State Problems for Local Hamiltonians
Jonathan Allcock, Jinge Bao, Aleksandrs Belovs, Troy Lee and Miklos Santha.
On the quantum time complexity of divide and conquer
Jop Briet, Matthias Christandl, Itai Leigh, Amir Shpilka, Fulvio Gesmundo and Jeroen Zuiddam.
Discreteness of asymptotic tripartite entanglement measures
Kshiti Sneh Rai, J. Ignacio Cirac and Álvaro M. Alhambra.
Matrix product state approximations to quantum states of low energy variance
Lasse H. Wolff, Matthias Christandl and Bergfinnur Durhuus.
The Quantum Entropy Cone near its Apex
Lauritz van Luijk, Alexander Stottmeister, Reinhard F. Werner and Henrik Wilming.
Universal embezzlers
Lauritz van Luijk, René Schwonnek, Alexander Stottmeister and Reinhard F. Werner.
The Schmidt rank for the commuting operator framework
Louis Golowich and Tali Kaufman.
NLTS Hamiltonians and Strongly-Explicit SoS Lower Bounds from Low-Rate Quantum LDPC Codes
Louis Paletta, Christophe Vuillot, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Anthony Leverrier and Alain Sarlette.
Robust sparse IQP sampling in constant depth
Ludovico Lami and Bartosz Regula.
Connecting entanglement distillation and entanglement testing with restricted measurements
Marco Cerezo, Michael Ragone, Bojko N. Bakalov, Frederic Sauvage, Alexander F. Kemper, Carlos Ortiz Marrero and Martin Larocca.
A Unified Theory of Barren Plateaus for Deep Parametrized Quantum Circuits
Marcus Appleby, Steve Flammia and Gene Kopp.
A Constructive Approach to Zauner's Conjecture via the Stark Conjectures
Mario Berta and Marco Tomamichel.
Entanglement monogamy via multivariate trace inequalities
Mark Zhandry.
Quantum Money from Abelian Group Actions
Matthias Christandl, Vladimir Lysikov, Vincent Steffan, Albert Werner and Freek Witteveen.
The resource theory of tensor networks
Nouédyn Baspin, Venkatesan Guruswami, Anirudh Krishna and Ray Li.
Improved rate-distance trade-offs for quantum codes with restricted connectivity
Patrick Hayden and Jinzhao Wang.
What exactly does Bekenstein bound?
Pau Colomer, Andreas Winter, Mario Berta, Hao-Chung Cheng and Li Gao.
Bypassing Joint Typicality in Network Quantum Shannon Theory
Paul Skrzypczyk, Andrés Ducuara, Francesco Buscemi, Peter Sidajaya and Valerio Scarani.
Expected Utility Theory and its novel application in Quantum Information Science
Pedro Baptista, Ranyiliu Chen, Jędrzej Kaniewski, David Rasmussen Lolck, Laura Mančinska, Thor Gabelgaard Nielsen and Simon Schmidt.
A mathematical foundation for self-testing: Lifting common assumptions
Qian Xu, Pablo Ataides, Christopher Pattison, Nithin Raveendran, Dolev Bluvstein, Jonathan Wurtz, Bane Vasic, Mikhail Lukin, Liang Jiang and Hengyun Zhou.
Constant-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Reconfigurable Atom Arrays
Quynh Nguyen.
The mixed Schur transform: efficient quantum circuit and applications
Ray Ganardi, Tulja Varun Kondra and Alexander Streltsov.
Catalytic and asymptotic equivalence for quantum entanglement
Renato Renner and Ramona Wolf.
Commuting operations factorise
Rene Allerstorfer, Andreas Bluhm, Harry Buhrman, Matthias Christandl, Llorenc Escola Farras, Florian Speelman and Philip Verduyn Lunel.
Making Existing Quantum Position Verification Protocols Secure Against Arbitrary Transmission Loss
Rene Allerstorfer, Matthias Christandl, Dmitry Grinko, Ion Nechita, Maris Ozols, Denis Rochette and Philip Verduyn Lunel.
Monogamy of highly symmetric states
Robert König and Cambyse Rouzé.
Limitations of local update recovery in stabilizer-GKP codes: a quantum optimal transport approach
Roeland Wiersema, Efekan Kökcü, Alexander Kemper and Bojko Bakalov.
Classification of dynamical Lie algebras for translation-invariant 2-local spin systems in one dimension
Rolando Somma, Ryan Babbush, Dominic Berry, Robin Kothari and Nathan Wiebe.
Exponential quantum speedup in simulating coupled classical oscillators
Roozbeh Bassirian, Bill Fefferman and Kunal Marwaha.
Quantum Merlin-Arthur and proofs without relative phase
Rotem Arnon-Friedman, Zvika Brakerski and Thomas Vidick.
Computational Entanglement Theory
Sabee Grewal, Vishnu Iyer, William Kretschmer and Daniel Liang.
Learning Quantum States With Respect to the Stabilizer Formalism
Saeed Mehraban and Mehrdad Tahmasbi.
Quadratic Lower bounds on the Approximate Stabilizer Rank: A Probabilistic Approach
Sandy Irani and Jiaqing Jiang.
Commuting Local Hamiltonian Problem on 2D beyond qubits
Sergey Bravyi, Andrew Cross, Jay Gambetta, Dmitri Maslov, Patrick Rall and Theodore Yoder.
High-threshold and low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum memory
Sergey Bravyi, Anirban Chowdhury, David Gosset, Vojtech Havlicek, Christian Ikenmeyer, Sathyawageeswar Subramanian and Guanyu Zhu.
Quantum complexity of the Kronecker coefficients
Sergey Bravyi, David Gosset and Yinchen Liu.
Classical simulation of peaked shallow quantum circuits
Shivam Nadimpalli, Natalie Parham, Francisca Vasconcelos and Henry Yuen.
On the Pauli Spectrum of QAC0
Simon Apers and Sander Gribling.
Quantum speedups for linear programming via interior point methods
Steve Flammia and Ryan O'Donnell.
Quantum chi-squared tomography and mutual information testing
Sujit Rao.
Analysis of SoS Relaxations for the Quantum Rotor Model
Tan Van Vu, Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito.
Unifying speed limit and Lieb-Robinson bound: Wisdom from optimal transport
Thiago Bergamaschi, Louis Golowich and Sam Gunn.
Approaching the Quantum Singleton Bound with Approximate Error Correction
Thomas van Himbeeck and Peter Brown.
A tight and general finite-size security proof for quantum key distribution
Ting-Chun Lin, Adam Wills and Min-Hsiu Hsieh.
Geometrically Local Quantum and Classical Codes from Subdivision
Ting-Chun Lin, Isaac Kim and Min-Hsiu Hsieh.
A new operator extension of strong subadditivity of quantum entropy
Tomotaka Kuwahara.
Clustering of conditional mutual information and quantum Markov structure at arbitrary temperatures
Uma Girish and Srinivasan Arunachalam.
Trade-offs between Entanglement and Communication
Uma Girish, Avishay Tal, Kewen Wu and Makrand Sinha.
The Power of Adaptivity in Quantum Query Algorithms
Yanlin Chen, András Gilyén and Ronald de Wolf.
A Quantum Speed-Up for Approximating the Top Eigenvector of a Matrix
Yujie Zhang and Eric Chitambar.
Exact Steering Bound for Two-Qubit Werner States
Yunlong Xiao, Yuxiang Yang, Ximing Wang, Liu Qing and Mile Gu.
Quantum Uncertainty Principles for Measurements with Interventions
Zvika Brakerski.
Black-Hole Radiation Decoding is Quantum Cryptography
Accepted Talks
Accepted Posters