QIP 2002  -- The Fifth Workshop on Quantum Information Processing

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York

January 14-17, 2002

Quantum information processing is the intersection of quantum mechanics and computer science. It tries to improve on classical computers and classical complexity bounds by making use of quantum mechanical phenomena. After Peter Shor's 1994 discovery of efficient quantum algorithms for factoring and the discrete log (threatening current "classical" cryptography), the field has grown explosively and is now one of the hottest subfields of both computer science and physics.

QIP 2002  is the fifth workshop on quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum information theory in the tradition of AQIP 98 in Aarhus, AQIP 99 in Chicago,  QIP 2000 in MontrĂ©al, and QIP 2001 at the CWI in Amsterdam.   The conference will start on the morning of Monday  the 14th and will end sometime during the afternoon of Thursday the 17th. It will consist of various invited talks of 45 minutes each, a display of posters, and an open session. The slots of the open session will be distributed during the conference itself. There will not be published proceedings.

Program (click here)


 Conference Poster

Conference Poster ( Medium Large )

Group Picture

Group Picture ( Medium  Large Name List

Next Year's conference,  QIP 2003, will be held  13-17 Dec 2002 [sic] at

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, University of California, Berkeley. 
Last update of this page: Feb 14, 2002.
Questions? Send e-mail to moreqit@watson.ibm.com